Sunday, July 28, 2013

The Paradise Music Collection

Welcome to a world of very special music.

Whether you are looking for albums to relax and unwind to, or inspire and uplift you here you will find quality music performed by musicians that play from the heart.

We believe in the healing vibration of music and how it can and does affect our everyday lives.

Reiki Gold
Reiki Gold is the long awaited new Reiki Healing album by international recording artist Llewellyn. Working closely with experienced Reiki Masters, this specially recorded music is ideally timed for treatments, allowing healers and listeners to discover the power and benefits of Reiki healing with a clear and relaxed mind and body

Earth Angel
Earth Angel is an album for people who sense they are different and have a passion for wanting to help others and animals. They care about the Earth and feel a strong connection with nature. Somehow life often seems to be a struggle and they sense the suffering and negativity around them. They desperately want to heal and teach and change the world through love. The album is hopefully a stepping stone that gives those special people the strength to realise their spiritual realm origin and move forward in their relationships and feel better about themselves and all aspects of their lives. £10.95

Healing With Your Guardian Angel
Have you ever wondered if it might be possible to work on healing with the assistance of your guardian angels ? Our spiritual guides and celestial guardians are closer then you might think and they are always wiling to assist with our healing problems. By following the guided meditation CD you will find your journey to heal with your angel a little easier.

In Contact With The Spirit World
Popular UK Medium Vince Price has compiled a special recording to help beginners and also the more experienced students communicate with the Spirit World. Vince presents an easy-to-understand guide to medium ship and includes several exercises and a guided meditation that encourages the listener to be open enough to hear and see the thoughts of Spirit.

The Medicine Of Sound
This album and accompanying booklet offer an introduction to Tibetan Healing; the power of meditation and prayer, the use of singing bowls and the chanting of Buddhist mantras - The Medicine of Sound. It has been compiled and performed by Venerable Choesang, a Buddhist since the early sixties, who has had the good fortune to have studied and qualified under some of the great masters who fled Tibet with His Holiness The Dalai Lama. 

Healing Waters
Govannen combines the talents of four exceptional individuals who originally came together some 5 years ago to celebrate music. On Healing Waters Chris Conway, Dan Britton, Bridget McMahon and Adele McMahon are joined by acclaimed vocalist Vikki Clayton and have produced an outstanding, atmospheric, instrumental album of Celtic music inspired by The Legends of Glastonbury’s Chalice Well. 

Guiding Light
We have known times we might call dark times and moments where our lives seem to have been touched by the light. We all have our own ideas of what the light means - whether it be inspiration, love, faith, or a feeling of heightened spirituality. This music represents a journey towards the light. Guiding light is one seamless piece of music, making it ideal for meditation and healing 

The Healing Drum
The Healing Drum is not only a wonderful uplifting and inspirational musical journey combining a wealth of instruments and drums, but essentially an opportunity for the listener to join in and play along with their own drum. Chris Puleston includes introductory sleeve notes ant tutorial instructions on how to participate on the hand drum. Open to all levels, you can play along or simply relax and enjoy.

Summoning The Spirit
An inspiring tribute to the Native American people - Chris Conway’s spiritual sound scapes provide a haunting backdrop to Will Pimlett’s traditional native flutes and the timeless wisdom of Michael Looking Coyote.


Healing Gold
Healing Gold is very relaxing dreamy music performed by Aetherium. Ideal for healing, massage, meditation or sleeping. Tried and tested by experienced therapists and healing groups. Reiki Masters have also worked with Healing Gold for Reiki attunements with wonderful results.


Crystal Child
Crystal Child is an instrumental healing album inspired by the beautiful indigo and crystal children. Calming, soothing music by Llewellyn accompanied by the soft angelic voice of Juliana create the perfect environment for sleep, relaxation and healing. Also the ideal bedtime music for sensitive children and babies. Crystal child also includes detailed sleeve notes in the form of an interview about the crystal children with Sandra Sedgbeer, publisher and editor of the New Earth Magazine.  

Spirit Of The Sea
A haunting and atmospheric soundscape of music following the story of the spirits of the sea and sky, and their enchantment by a siren. Sirens are sea-nymphs - part woman, part bird - said to lure sailors with their song. Featuring an amazing interweaving of real instruments, especially featuring the Celtic harp, his richly evocative music is inspired by the sea, its mystery and mythology.

Meet Your Guardian Angel
Have you ever wanted to make contact with your guardian angels? Our spiritual guides and celestial guardians are closer than you might think, and it is surprisingly easy to bring this spiritual realm within easy reach. By following this guided CD you will find your journey to meet your angel a little easier.

Crystal Angels
Crystal Angels is deeply relaxing celestial music and perfect for many other therapies including reiki, crystal healing, massage, aromatherapy, meditation and yoga. Working closely with ‘The Angel Lady’ Jacky Newcomb, Llewellyn takes us on a musical journey with the Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel, Archangel Ariel and Archangel Raphael. These Archangels are known the world over and cross many cultural and religious boundaries. Includes detailed sleeve notes by Jacky on how to work with specific healing crystals to help blend with the energy of each of the four Archangels. You can play all of the tracks, one after the other or simply dip into the different Archangel tracks as the mood takes you. Feel yourself being drawn along on a Magical Journey.  

Great Spirit Told Me
Michael Looking Coyote takes the listener on a meditative journey across the timeless landscape of Native American Spirituality. Both relaxing and inspiring, his words will radically alter your perspective about how to achieve true peace in your life. featuring music from bestseller album "Summoning the Spirit"

Angel Workshop
Angel expert and best selling author Jacky Newcomb presents this special workshop CD which enables you to learn more about the angels in your own home. The workshop CD is perfect to work through alone or with friends. You can play it a little at a time or play the whole CD through as many times as you wish. The CD includes 4 separate meditations which are perfect for both beginners and those with more experience.

Sleep Gold
Sleep Gold is over one hour of deeply relaxing music. Featuring specially composed continuous music by one of the most popular relaxation recording artists, Sleep Gold is very dreamy and also a perfect compliment for treatments where the receiver needs to feel calm and relaxed.

Healing Women
" When I first heard the beautiful voice of Lila Mayi, I knew that she had something very special and divine given. Healing Woman is more than just a collection of outstanding songs and performances but a real journey that takes you through Lila's personal world of beauty, dreams and hopes. There are few performers who can literally make the hairs on your neck stand up and uplift your heart to the point of crying real tears of joy. Lila Mayi is a rare earth angel " - Llewellyn

Guided Meditations For Children
This beautiful CD for children holds four magical meditations, with the intention of empowering each listener to explore their imagination and find that special place inside, where adventures unfold and the beauty that every child holds.


Crystal Workshop
With over 10 years of teaching experience, top UK crystal expert Philip Permutt guides and takes us through the world of crystals. This special introductory workshop CD reveals how to cleanse and programme crystals, and includes simple exercises, visualisations and guided meditations that will help enhance your natural healing abilities with crystals.

Spiritual WomanSpiritual Woman features Lucinda Drayton from the highly acclaimed duo Bliss, the angelic voice of international singer Juliana, Vikki Clayton - singer with Fairport Convention, Hungarian legend Lila Mayi and the breathtaking voice of Kym. The album features a unique collection of songs that are both individually and collectively a tribute to the feminine - enjoy.

Paradise Gold Volume 1
A great introduction to the music of Paradise Music. Includes tracks from: Earth Angel, Healing Waters, Summoning the Spirit and The Healing Drum.


Chakra Gold
Chakra Gold is specially composed by Aetherium to help balance our chakra energy centres. Featuring instrumentalist Chris Puleston on specially selected real instruments that resonate and vibrate to our specific chakra centres. Also contains detailed sleeve notes by Chris Puleston.

The Little Reiki Meditation Album
The Little Reiki Meditation Album is a perfect compilation of guided meditation techniques suited to both beginners and advanced meditators. These unique meditations open up a powerful and deep connection to the Reiki energy flow, bringing benefit to everyone.

Music For Reiki Attunement
Experienced Reiki Master Philip Permutt has worked closely with popular Reiki composer Llewellyn to produce over one hour of beautifully continuous music specifically for Reiki attunements and sacred ceremony. Llewelyn is consistently one of Amazon’s best selling producers of Reiki music in the UK.

The Little Chakra Meditation Album
Following on from the best selling “The Little Meditation Album” is another perfect compilation of short guided meditations aimed at energising and revitalising out main seven chakra energy centres. Suited to both beginners and advanced meditators, Philip Permutt also includes a grounding meditation and an innovative seven chakra meditation in under 10 minutes for busy people on the go. Includes detailed sleeve notes about chakras and meditation by Philip Permutt. Music by Aetherium. 

Paradise Chillout - Helios Mix
Paradise Chillout is specially compiled by chillout producer Helios. In the style of Cafe Del Mar, Paradise Chillout is relaxing and fresh. It is ideal for Spas, healing centres, nail bars, therapists and essentially for those at home looking for a contemporary relaxing groove to create the perfect chilled atmosphere.

Spiritual Journeys - Mediterranean
If you are looking for music that will take you away to exotic faraway places in the warm sun then this album is for you. Calming and Relaxing, Andreas perfectly captures the romantic imagery of the sun drenched terrace overlooking the Mediterranean, the white sandy beach, the sweet fragrances of flowers, and the hammock softly rocking in the balmy breeze. Andreas also has a wonderful ear for melody and his gentle guitar playing is a style all of his own. Enjoy the journey.

Journey To The Faerie Ring
FaerieLore is a beautiful magical music that creates the perfect ambience for the listener to relax, forget worries and literally be taken off into another world. Working closely with top faerie author Alicen Geddes-Ward, Llewellyn takes us on a musical journey to discover the faerie ring. Sleeve notes by Alicen Geddes-Ward.


Journey To Atlantis
Popular recording artists Kevin Kendle & Llewellyn come together again to produce an exciting collaboration inspired by the mystery and legend that is Atlantis. The listener is taken on an underwater journey to seek out the romantic and lost city of Atlantis. Outstanding performances including guest vocals by Juliana make this a must have album for all enthusiasts of highly crafted inspirational music.

Guided Meditations Gold
A double CD of 20 short themed meditations not only for the novice but also for the more experienced meditator to enjoy. CD1 focusses on incorporating meditations into our daily lives with specific meditations to use at key times of the day - upon waking, lunchtime, bedtime, etc... CD2 is broader and includes meditations for particular life situations and circumstances - interviews, inspiration, motivation, anxiety, etc.

Spirits Of The Moon
Following on from France's "Spirits of the Sea" album comes another beautiful haunting collection of tracks performed on France's Celtic harp. Also featuring the multi instrumentalist talents of Chris Conway, this richly textured music includes guitars, flutes, tin and low whistles, and piano.

The Little Sleep Meditation Album
The Little Sleep Meditation Album is an innovative compilation of short guided meditations aimed at relaxing and soothing the listener into a complete state of calmness to aid a good night's sleep. Suited to both beginners and advanced meditators, Philip Permutt also includes detailed sleeve notes about working with the sleep meditations on the CD. It also features music by Llewellyn from his bestselling sleep album - SLEEP GOLD.

Spiritual Journeys - Bali
With its white-sand beaches and stunning sunsets, Bali is one of the most beautiful places in Asia. Rich in history, culture, art and spiritualism, many consider Bali to be the island of Paradise. Andreas not only captures the imagery and majestic essence of Bali in his music but also the magical ways of the Balinese people who still today believe in the great power of spirits. This beautiful music will also help you relax and create a sense of well being.

An Audience Of Angels
Llewellyn has sold over a million instrumental albums worldwide. His music has won several awards and featured on many commercials and film releases. This is Llewellyn's first solo vocal album and includes eleven self penned songs.


Tarot Workshop - 2CD's
In this special double CD workshop, experienced tarot teacher Suzanne Corbie presents an introductory guide to learning tarot. Beginners are encouraged to work with their own intuition and feelings. Presented in Suzanne's fun and easy going style, she covers both the Major and Minor Arcana tarot cards. It is an easy to understand and no-nonsense guide that enables you to quickly learn how to work with tarot cards and give readings for yourself and others.

Bedtime - Guided Meditation For Children
Michelle Robertson-Jones has created 10 special bedtime meditations for children aged 5 and upwards. Meditation at bedtime encourages the child to release the day and aid a good nights sleep. To let go of all that no longer matters, with the breath.

Spirit Of The Shaman - Niail
Niall creates wonderful magical imagery in this inspiring tribute to the Shaman. There is a real sense of all the many tribes coming together for the gathering. The rhythmic energy and mystery within Niall’s music celebrates the medicine man.


Celtic Fire - Govannen
Following on from their best selling album "Healing Waters - The Legends of the Chalice Well" comes an upbeat and exciting new celtic album by the outstanding group GOVANNEN. Celtic Fire features breathtaking performances on real celtic instruments including tin and low whistles, violins, bodhran, guitars and vocals.

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