Sunday, July 28, 2013

Angel Music Collection

Wonderfully pure and calming albums that will lift your spirits whilst also comforting you. This collection has a warmth of tone that will engage you from the start.

Close your eyes and feel yourself succumbing to the angel's light.
Angel's Dream
Floating on the musical clouds this album creates, with its soft tones and heavenly melodies. Feel warm, comfortable and rested as you let the music ease you into the angel's dream, guided by the soft wings that cradle you gently as you join them in their slumber. 


Angel's Flight
Hold on to the wings of an angel, let the music take you on an imaginary journey... an angel's flight. Soar above the clouds in heavenly air, feel free of worries and anxieties and feel inspired by the music.


 Angel's Light
A wonderfully pure, calming album that will lift your spirits but at the same time comfort you. The album has a warmth of tone that will engage you from the start. Close your eyes and feel yourself succumbing to the angel's light


Angel's Magic
 ounds that will help you envisage angel dust falling from up above. Sense the angels preparing themselves to cast a little of their heavenly magic. As the dust settles, let your senses feel a little of the "angel's magic" and your imagination let you witness this enchanting display of their magical power.


Angel's Melody
Twinkling harp, soothing pan-pipes, heavenly choral sounds; piece it all together and you have the "angel's melody". Close your eyes and venture beyond with your guardian angel. Feel the relaxation, the warmth, the protection this angelic music will afford you. A beautiful and peace evoking aural tonic.

Angel's Smile
The smile of an angel will lift the lowest of spirits. Light emanates from the angel's smile and translates beautifully in this album. With the use of harp, soft vocals that are interlaced with multi-layered harmonies, which are so effortlessly delivered, the angel's smile will warm your soul and lighten your heart.

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